Аудиторлик текширувида муҳимлилик ва риск

муҳимлилик ва 
риск   РЕЖА:
Муҳимлилик таърифи. 
Муҳимлиликни аниқлаш 01
Аудит ўтказиш жараёнида 
муҳимликни қайта кўриш 
чиқиш 02
Аудиторлик риски. 
Муҳимлик ва рискнинг 
ўзаро боғлиқлиги 04Муҳимликни 
ҳужжатлаштириш Тартибга солувчи стандартлар
START200-сон АХС “Мустақил аудиторнинг 
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Муҳимлилик.   Бузиб  кўрсатишлар,  шу  жумладан  тушириб  қолдиришлар,  агар 
улар  ўз-ўзича  ёки  бошқа  бузиб  кўрсатишлар  билан  бирга,  асосланган 
мўлжалларга  кўра,  фойдаланувчиларнинг  молиявий  ҳисобот  асосида  қабул 
қилинган  иқтисодий  қарорларига  таъсир  кўрсатиши  мумкин  бўлса,  муҳим   деб 
Муҳимлилик даражаси  – бу молиявий ҳисоботда акс эттирилган  маълумотларда 
кўрсатилиши  мумкин  бўлган  ҳамда  малакали  фойдаланувчиларни  ушбу 
маълумотларга нисбатан чалкашликларга олиб келмайдиган йўл қўйилиши мумкин 
бўлган ҳато, оғишишларнинг юқори чегараси.
Маълумотлар ўзларининг  миқдор  ёки  сифат  тавсифларига кўра  муҳим  деб 
баҳоланиши мумкин Муҳимлиликни белгилаш
            Ауди тор   томонидан  м у ҳ и м ли к   дараж аси ни   белгилаш 
проф есси онал  м улоҳ аза  масаласи  ҳисобланади  ва  м оли яви й 
ҳ и соботлардан  ф ой далану вчи ларни нг  молиявий  ахборотга  бўлган 
эҳтиёжларини аудитор қандай тушунишига боғлиқ бўлади.
          Ушбу  ҳолатда    ауди тор   фойдаланувчилар  хусусида  қуйидагиларни 
тахмин қилиши учун  асослар  мавжуд:
                  1.  Фойдаланувчилар  бизнес,  иқтисодий  фаолият  ва  бухгалтерия 
ҳисоби  соҳасида  билимга  эга,  шунингдек  молиявий  ҳисоботда  тақдим 
этиладиган ахборотни оқилона даражада қунт билан ўрганишга тайёр;
          2. Фойдаланувчилар молиявий ҳисобот муҳимлилик даражасидан 
келиб  чиқиб  тайёрланганини,  тақдим  этилганини  ва  аудиторлик 
текширувидан ўтаётганлигини тушунади;
                  3.  Фойдаланувчилар  молиявий  ҳисоботда  ифодаланган  ахборот 
асосида оқилона иқтисодий қарорлар қабул қилади. Муҳимлиликни белгилаш
  Му ҳ и м лик   к онцепцияси дан  аудитор  ҳам  аудитни 
реж алаш тириш да ,  ҳам  уни  бажаришда  ва  аниқланган 
бу зи б  к ў рсати ш ларни нг   аудитга  ва  тузатилмаган  бузиб 
кўрсатишларнинг  (агар  улар  мавжуд  бўлса)  молиявий 
ҳисоботга  таъсирини  баҳолашда  ҳамда  ўз  фикрини 
аудиторлик  ҳисоботи  (хулосаси)да  таърифлашда 
          Бу  ўз  навбатида  муҳимлилик  даражасини  ҳам  миқдор  ҳам  сифат 
жиҳатдан  белгилашда  бузиб  кўрсатишларнинг  (ҳато  ва 
қонунбузилишларнинг)  юзага  келиши  эҳтимолий  сабабларидан 
хабардор бўлишнинг мақсадга мувофиқлигини белгилайди Муҳимлилик даражаси – Молиявий ҳисоботда  йўл қўйлиши мумкин 
бўлган ҳато, оғишишлар
Юзага келиш эҳтимоли мавжуд бўлган ҳатоликлари аниқлаш қуйидагича 
таснифланади : 
юзага келиш сабабига кўра;
молиявий ҳисоботда тарқалишига кўра;
юзага келиш жоийига кўра;
мазмунига кўра;
хусусиятига кўра;
эҳтимолий оқибатига кўра;
ҳато мавжуд бўлган ҳужжатнинг қийматига боғлиқлиги бўйича. Аудитда муҳимликнинг асосий асосий 
тамойиллар Юзага келиш сабабига кўра
ато ва  оидабузарликларҲ қ
Ноатайлаб Атайлаб
Чу ур билимга эга бўлмаслик	
онунчилик ва норматив 
ужжатларни билмаслик
исобнинг тў ри йўлга
Ҳ ғ
Компьютер техникасида 
ишнинг бузилиш ва бош алар	
қ Молиявий ҳисоботда тарқалишига кўра
ато ва  оидабузилишларҲ қ
Тасодифий Тизимлий
Чу ур билимга эга бўлмаслик,  исобнинг 	
қ ҳ
тў ри йўлга  ўйилмаганлиги, норматив 
ғ қ
ужжатларнинг такомиллашмаганлиги ва	
бош алар	
қ онунчилик ва 	
билмаслик Ра барият	
босим Юзага келиш жойига кўра
ато ва  оидабузарликларҲ қБошлан ич	
ҳ исоб 	
Соли а оид  исобот 	
ққ ҳ
ва  ужжатларда
ҳ Молиявий 
исоботда	ҳ Мазмунига кўра
№ Э тимолий юзага ҳ
келиш жойи ато мазмуни	Ҳ Масалан
1 Бошлан ич  ужжатлар, 	
ғ ҳ
исоб регистрлари	
ҳ Шаклан ужжат шаклининг белгиланга 	
нормаларига мувофи  келмаслиги, 	
жумладан тегишли реквизитларнинг 
йў лиги, тўлдирилмаганлиги ва бош алар	
қ қ
2 Бошлан ич  ужжатлар, 	
ғ ҳ
исоб регистрлари	
ҳ Арифметик Арифметик  атти –  аракатлар 	
ҳ ҳ
натижасида нотў ри натижа	
3 Бошлан ич  ужжатлар, 	
ғ ҳ
исоб регистрлари	
ҳ Тушириб 
олдириш	қ Ёзувда йўл  ўйилган  ато, бош а устунга 	
қ ҳ қ
ёзилиши, бош а санага ёзилиши ва 	
бош алар.	
4 Бошлан ич  ужжатлар, 	
ғ ҳ
исоб регистрлари	
ҳ Хронологик Саналарнинг номувофи лиги, масалан 	
15.03.2022 йил сандаги бўнак  исоботига 	
20.03.2022 йилдаги товар чеки илова 
5 Бошлан ич  ужжатлар, 	
ғ ҳ
исоб регистрлари	
ҳ айта  исоб-	
Қ ҳ
қ Валютанинг сўмга нисбатан нотў ри 	
(бош а сана, бош а курс ва бош алар)	
қ қ қ Хусусиятига кўра
ато ва  оидабузилишларҲ қ
Ми дор	
қ Сифат
айта  исобланган	
Қ ҳ
Операциянинг акс 
Операциянинг нотў ри акс	
 эттирилиши ва бош алар
қ Битимлар бўйича операцияларнинг 
акс эттирилиши  онунчилик 	
талабларини бузиш ор али амалга	
Бухгалтерия  исоби 	
регистрларининг йў лиги	
Соли ларнинг тўланмаслиги	
Компьютер тизими  ужжатларнинг	
йў лиги ва бош алар	
қ қ Эҳтимолий оқибатига кўра
ато ва  оидабузилишлар, келтириб чи арадиҲ қ қ
Фу аролик кодексида	
назарда тутилган 
Хўжалик шартномасида 
назарда тутилган санкцияларМолиявий 
о ишишлар
ғ Скда назарда 
тутилган жарималар
Маъмурий СанкцияларМолиявий  исоботнинг	
ишончлилигини таъминловчи
далиллардан мосуволиги Муҳимлилик даражасини баҳолаш
Умуман молиявий 
ҳисоботга нисбатан Алоҳида моддаларга 
(счетлар, айланма 
қолдиғи ва бошқалар) Молиявий ҳисоботга нисбатан муҳимликни белгилашда асосий 
2-5 фоиз . Соф активга нисбатан 0,5-1 фоиз.  Тушумга нисбатан
1-2 фоиз . Жами активларга нисбатан
5-10 фоиз . Солиқ тўлангунга қадар фойдага  
0,5 – 1 фоиз . Ялпи фойдага нисбатанОриентир қаратилган кўрсаткичлар
Танланадиган сумма миқдори аудиторнинг 
молиявий ҳисоботнинг ишончлилиги, у 
қандай фойдаланилиши тўғрисидаги 
профессионал мулоҳазасига боғлиқ  Муҳимлилик даражасининг таъсири
Муҳимлилик даражаси қуйидаги бир қанча  муҳим жихатларга  кескин  таъсир  
     - бажарилиши лозим бўлган аудит амалларининг хусусияти, муддати ва ҳажмига. 
Муҳимлик даражасини қанчалик қанчалик кескин (юқори) даражада белгиланиши, 
умумий аудиторлик риски мақбул даражада бўлиши учун шунчалик кўп даражада 
аудит ишларини бажариш лозим;
   - аудиторлик танлаш ҳажмини белгилаш тўғрисидаги қарорга;
   - муҳим бузилишлар оқибатини баҳолашга, бунда:
   -молиявий ҳисоботга тузатиш киритиш лозим ёки лозим эмаслиги;
   -  аудиторлик хулосасини модификациялаш лозим ёки лозим эмаслигига эътибор 
Аудитор  аниқлайдиган  муҳимлилик  даражаси  унинг  мулоҳазасига  боғлиқ,  ушбу 
мулоҳаза  аудиторлик  рискининг  даражасидан  келиб  чиқади.  Таҳмин  қилинаётган 
аудиторлик  риски  қанчалик  юқори  бўлса,  шунчалик  даражада  муҳимлилик  даражаси 
паст бўлиши керак.   Аудиторлик риски
Аудиторлик   риск и   –  Молиявий  ҳисоботларда  муҳим  бузиб  кўрсатишлар 
мавжуд  бўлганда  аудитор  томонидан  нотўғри  аудиторлик  хулосаси 
берилиши риски. 
Аудиторлик риски иккита компонентдан ташкил топади:
(а)  биринчиси  ташкилотга  боғлиқ  –  бу  молиявий  ҳисоботда  муҳим 
бузилишлар  бўлиши  мумкинлиги  риски  ( аж рати б  бўлм аслиги  ри ск и  ва 
назорат ри ск и )
   (б) иккинчиси аудиторга боғлиқ – бу аудиторларнинг молиявий ҳисоботдаги 
муҳим  бузиб  кўрсатишларни  аниқлаб  билмаслиги  риски  ( ани қ ланм аслик  
ри ск и ) 
Аудиторлик рискини қуйидаги формула орқали ифодалаш мумкинАудиторлик риски = Ажратиб бўлмаслик 
риски х
Назорат риски х Назорат риски
Танлаш билан 
боғлиқ риск Танлаш билан 
боғлиқ бўлмаган 
риск Ажратиб бўлмаслик риски
Ажратиб  бўлмайдиган  риск  – 
Операциялар  туркуми,  счётлардаги 
қолдиқлар  ёки  ошкор  қилинадиган 
маълумотлар  тўғрисида 
тақдимноманинг  бузиб 
кўрсатилиши  риски.  Бундай  бузиб 
кўрсатиш ўз-ўзича ёки бошқа бузиб 
кўрсатишлар  билан  бирга  ҳар 
қандай  боғлиқ  назорат  воситалари 
кўриб  чиқилгунга  қадар
аҳамиятли  бўлиши  мумкин.  Назорат риски
Назорат  воситалари  тизими  риски  – 
Операциялар  туркуми,  счётлардаги 
қолдиқлар  ёки  ошкор  қилинадиган 
маълумотлар  тўғрисида  тақдимномада 
мавжуд  бўлиши  мумкин  бўлган  бузиб 
кўрсатиш  ўз-ўзича  ёки  бошқа  бузиб 
кўрсатишлар  билан  бирга  тадбиркорлик 
субъектининг  ички  назорат  тизими 
томонидан  ўз  вақтида  аниқланмаслиги  ва 
баратараф  этилмаслиги  ёки  олди 
олинмаслиги риски.   Аниқланмаслик риски
Аниқланмаслик  риски  –  Аудитор  томонидан  аудиторлик 
рискини  мақбул  даражагача  пасайтириш  мақсадида 
бажариладиган тартиб-таомиллар ҳақиқатда мавжуд бўлган 
ҳамда  алоҳида  ёки  бошқа  муҳим  бузиб  кўрсатишлар  билан 
биргаликда қаралганида аҳамиятли бўлиши мумкин бўлган 
бузиб кўрсатишни топиш имконини бермаслиги риски.  Аудитда рискларнинг вужудга келиш 
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photos and Text.  Content  Here
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is 
beautifully designed. Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.  Content  Here
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is 
beautifully designed. Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text. 
B Content  
D Content  
E Infographic Style
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations. Your Text Here
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations.  Your Text Here You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations.  
 Your Text Here
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations.  
 Your Text Here You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing. Your Text Here
Contents Here
Contents Here
Contents Here Contents HereContents Here Infographic Style
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and 
appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and 
Text. Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a modern 
PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed.   Add Contents Title
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern 
PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed.     Your Text HereYou can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed. 
Your Picture Here  Your Picture Here   Infographic Style
You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations.  Contents Title You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations.  Contents Title You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations.  Contents Title You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations.  Contents Title
Contents Title Contents Title Contents Title Infographic Style
Content here
Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully 
designed.. Content here
Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully 
designed..US UK
120 120Content Content Text
IMPEDIT. Portfolio
Designed Infographic Style
Contents 01 
Contents 02 
Contents 03 
Contents 04  67 % Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. I believe that this Template will your Time.
47 % Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. I believe that this Template will your Time.
32 % Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. I believe that this Template will your Time.
18 % Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. I believe that this Template will your Time. Infographic Style
TSSWOT Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  35%
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Reports and Presentations with our 
Templates.  Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  Your Text HereYour Picture Here And Send To Back Infographic Style
Here Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Here Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and 
appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.   Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and 
appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.   Infographic Style
You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.   Your Text  HereYou can simply impress your audience and 
add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.   Your Text  Here
You can simply impress your audience and 
add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.    Your Text  Here
You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.    Your Text  Here You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. Easy to change 
colors, photos and Text.  Your Text  Here 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. PORTFOLIO
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and 
Text.  Content  Here
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and 
Text. Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. 80KWe Create
Professional Presentation Infographic Style
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 40%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to 
change colors, photos and Text.78 %
Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to 
change colors, photos and Text.54 %
Content  Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to 
change colors, photos and Text.84 % Modern  Portfolio 
You can simply impress your audience and add 
a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a 
modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is 
beautifully designed.  I hope and I believe that 
this Template will your Time, Money and 
Reputation.  You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that 
is beautifully designed. 
Modern PowerPoint PresentationP
t P
nYour Picture Here Infographic Style
You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations.    Content Here You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations.    Content Here You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations.    Content Here
Add Text
Modern PowerPoint  
Presentation  Add Text
Modern PowerPoint  
Presentation  Add Text
Modern PowerPoint  
Presentation  Add Text
Modern PowerPoint  
Presentation  Infographic Style
You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal 
to your Presentations. 
Get a modern 
Presentation that is 
beautifully designed 
Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.  Add Text
PowerPoint Presentation 
Content  Here You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal 
to your Presentations. 
Get a modern 
Presentation that is 
beautifully designed. 
Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.  Add Text
PowerPoint Presentation 
Content  Here You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal 
to your Presentations. 
Get a modern 
Presentation that is 
beautifully designed 
Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.  Add Text
PowerPoint Presentation 
Content  HereYou can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal 
to your Presentations. 
Get a modern 
Presentation that is 
beautifully designed. 
Easy to change colors, 
photos and Text.  Add Text
PowerPoint Presentation 
Content  Here L OREM IPSUM 
Designed Infographic Style
Add Text
Add Text Add TextAdd Text
Add Text Add TextAdd Text
Add Text Add TextAdd Text
Add Text Add TextAdd Text
Add Text Add TextAdd Text                                             Infographic Style
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 60102030405060
Contents A 
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations. Contents B 
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations. Contents C 
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations.Contents _ Type  Contents _ Type  Contents _ Type  Place Your Picture Here And Send To Back
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to 
change colors, photos and Text.
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.Contents Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and 
appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Contents Here   Infographic Style
Main Contents Main Contents
You can simply impress your audience 
and add a unique zing.
Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully 
I hope and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, Money and 
Easy to change colors, photos and 
Text.Main Contents
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing. Main Contents
You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing.
Sub Contents
Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully 
I hope and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, Money 
and Reputation. Sub Contents
Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully 
I hope and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, Money 
and Reputation.   Infographic Style
Add Text
Simple PowerPoint 
Presentation   Add Text
Simple PowerPoint 
Presentation   Add Text
Simple PowerPoint 
Presentation   Add Text
Simple PowerPoint 
You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope 
and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. 
Easy to change colors, 
photos. Get a modern 
PowerPoint  Presentation 
that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change 
colors, photos.  You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope 
and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. 
Easy to change colors, 
photos. Get a modern 
PowerPoint  Presentation 
that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change 
colors, photos.  You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope 
and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. 
Easy to change colors, 
photos. Get a modern 
PowerPoint  Presentation 
that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change 
colors, photos.  You can simply impress 
your audience and add a 
unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope 
and I believe that this 
Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. 
Easy to change colors, 
photos. Get a modern 
PowerPoint  Presentation 
that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change 
colors, photos.  Column  
Style You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing 
and appeal to your Presentations. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  You can 
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and 
Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress 
your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. You 
can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money 
and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  You can simply 
impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully 
designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. I hope and I believe that 
this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. 
I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. 
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress your 
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully designed.   Columns  
Style You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  You can 
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully designed.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  You can 
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully designed.You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Get a modern PowerPoint  Presentation that is beautifully designed.
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to 
your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, 
Money and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.  You can 
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your 
Presentations. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique 
zing and appeal to your Presentations. 
Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint  
Presentation that is beautifully designed.        Эътиборингиз учун раҳмат  Fully Editable Shapes
START   Fully Editable Shapes  You can Resize without 
losing quality
You can Change Fill 
Color &
Line Color
TEMPLATES Fully Editable Icon Sets: A   You can Resize without 
losing quality
You can Change Fill 
Color &
Line Color
TEMPLATES Fully Editable Icon Sets: B   You can Resize without 
losing quality
You can Change Fill 
Color &
Line Color
TEMPLATES Fully Editable Icon Sets: C